Friday, September 13, 2013

Sorry Texas A&M, I'll Be Rooting for Alabama

Well I’m not really rooting for Alabama more than I am rooting against Texas A&M. Well technically, I’m not rooting against A&M, I’m rooting against Johnny Manziel Yea! That sounds better. I not going for Alabama…I just don’t want Johnny to win. My good ole Aggie friends will say that I am “hating” but I’m really not. . I can’t cheer for Alabama because as a Texan that could be treason lol. BUT thanks to the on- and off-field antics by Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel, I just might find myself saying "Roll Tide." #Ewww 
This is what I call the “Lebron Effect”. Remember how so many people (not me) hated Lebron after he took his talents to South Beach?  That was not really for what he did, but for HOW he did it. He was seen as arrogant, selfish, “cocky”, and all the other synonyms in that cluster. He was the most hated person in sports just for how people perceived his attitude because most people want to see pride lose to humility. Which is why so many people were cheering for the Dallas Mavericks in 2011. Not because they liked them but because they disliked the Heat. Same thought process goes for my attitude towards Manziel. Everything he has done and said since the Heisman Trophy has affirmed Manziel's belief that he cannot be touched, that he is bigger than the university he represents, that he is even above NCAA rules. I’m not saying Alabama is a humble bunch but I’m paying attention to what’s in the news and it’s not them taunting their opponent mocking something just got a get out of jail free card for. After everything Manziel has gone through the last few weeks –– you'd think maybe just a smidge of humility might have been in order. 

I’m also not saying I think a loss to Alabama tomorrow will humble old Johnny Football. It may bring him down a notch. Down to the notch that says you aren’t guaranteed anything. Your attitude determines your altitude. You better ask T.O and Ochocinco. 

Alabama 34 
A&M 24

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